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Austin American Statesman
Custom yardage takes off in the interior design market.
Beautiful Home, Houston Chronicle
Houston Chronicle
West Austin News
Early work presented at trunk show.
Austin American Statesman
Fantasy Gala exhibition of Gulf Coast Chapter of American Society of Interior Designers.
Westlake Picayune
History of Gassiot on Fabric.
Westlake Picayune
Fantasy Gala, second exhibition.
Spirit Echos Gallery
Omni Hotel Spirit Echos Gallery exhibits Gassiot on Fabric.
Westlake Picayne
Austin American Statesman
Cinco de Mayo costume painted by artist Gale Gassiot.
Corpus Christi Caller Times
History of Gassiot on Fabric and upcoming trunk show in Corpus Christi.
Westlake gPicayne
Gassiot on Fabric provides silk yardage for designers.
Austin American Statesman
Blurb about Gassiot on Fabric.
Corpus Christi Caller Times
Gassiot on Fabric was invited to be the main event for the Corpus Christi Art League's annual fundraiser event. Gassiot coordinated a fashion show of hand-painted silk at the Town Club with a two-day trunk show at the home of Dr Lee Guinn.
American Society of Interior Designers
Gassiot's Eagle's Journey costume was modeled at The Gulf Coast Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers annual fundraising event. Neiman Marcos coordinates the runway fashion shows for the event. Gassiiot's costume was chosen of six, including Bill Blass.
Fabric of Our Cultures
Annual exhibition of art textiles.